Sunday, March 3, 2013

2012: The Loops Extend into the County!

You may have read the post about the bike loops that were created in 2008. Here's where the Eastern (yellow) loop ended where the Washington-Dunaweal Bike Path ends at Dunaweal Lane.
Where the Yellow Loop Meets the City Limits at Dunaweal Lane.

Well, a funny (unusual) thing happened to these loops in 2012. A bike-friendly manager at Napa County Public Works paid a visit to Calistoga and was most interested in seeing the loops. Two members of the Calistoga BAC showed him around and he took a lot of notes. Within a couple of weeks we noticed the way-finding signs for our loops had appeared on the adjacent County roads.
Calistoga's Bike Loop Signage on Dunaweal Lane

Now the Loops on the bike map were really loops on the ground! And it appears a neighboring artist has taken note of the additional bike traffic.
Bicyclists  Welcome!

Following the Loop gets you to Silverado Trail
Yellow Loop matches the mustard blooms

There is even a way to see a little more of the countryside on Pickett Lane and Rosedale. Brings you back to the Trail right across from the entrance to Solage Resort.
A quiet country lane is now part of the Eastern Loop

There are equally beautiful vistas if you take the Western Loop (red dots). It will get you to another nearby quiet stretch of road, Bennett Lane, where you will see things like this.
Mt. St. Helena from Bennett Lane
Wow! We've got loops that loop! Thanks Rick!

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